How do we build and sustain a culture of safety in our patrols, regions & division?
Please join us in a series of workshops centered around the above statement.
Topic: PNWD Educational / Safety Culture 4 All -Zoom
Time: 6:30pm - 8:00pm (PT)
- Occurs every month on the 3rd Tuesday at 6:30pm until approximately 8pm
- This first workshop in our series began in September, 2021 with the introduction on Psychological First Aid (PFA)- focusing on bringing patroller safety to the forefront of what we do when we are on the hill or in the aid room.
- Workshops will be held on the 3rd Tuesday of each month. The first workshop of the evening averages 30 minutes and is varied in topic/discipline. The second half will be ongoing education & work of introducing PFA-Psychological First Aid to patrols & patrollers. The PFA workshops average a minimum of 30minutes up to an hour. Any topics that generate high interest and in need of more time, may include a follow up session scheduled at a later date. Please see below for the 2021-22 season's schedule. Check back here, your emails and the PNWD social media (FB, IG) for new topics or changes.
- Workshops are encouraged for ALL.
- Have ideas, interests or questions reference to the topics? Please email them to [email protected]
- See below for PNWD Schedule, Powerpoint, Documents, and Recordings
- Zoom Call in information is below, no registration is required:
Topic: PNWD Educational / Safety Culture 4 All -Zoom
Time: 6:30pm - 8:00pm (PT)
- Join Zoom Meeting (click below link)
Meeting ID: 823 8182 0545
Passcode: 844362
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Psychological First Aid Care (PFA) - PNWD Documents & Links for Patrol and Patroller use:
- Introduction to PFA: Power Point
- Template for Initiating PFA into Your Patrol
- Example of Initiating PFA into Your Patrol (Draft Document)
- Video - Eldora Ski Area PFA Implementation
- Psychological First Aid (Ep. 34) by the Sharp END Podcast
- Responder Alliance Website
- 1/18/22 PNWD Safety Team Wellness Check pdf
Patroller Safety by Discipline Workshop - PNWD Documents & Links for Patrol and Patroller use:
- OET Matrix Document (upload coming soon)
- 12/21/21 ORM Joe Ferraro pdf
- 1/18/22 OET Jack Ramsey pdf
PNWD SafetyCulture4All Zoom Recording Links
Files with a black background are cloud based and open in a new window. You can watch online.
Files with a white background are MP4 files that require downloading to your computer to view.
Files with a white background are MP4 files that require downloading to your computer to view.
Safety Culture 4 All Calendar 2021-22

safetyculture4allpwndwkseries2022.pdf | |
File Size: | 644 kb |
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Questions? Ideas? Want to get involved?
Email: PNWD Safety Committee
Email: PNWD Safety Committee